Power In the Unexpressed

Strength can be defined as the capability to influence things and people. It is only through strength which we can mold the rules of life to our advantage so we can reach the outcomes we desire. Throughout history we can see several examples of weak nations and individuals being crushed by those who have the strength to adapt to and eventually overcome difficult situations. True strength however is not found in our words, but rather found in our actions. Yet there are still occasions in which in which weak people in a futile attempt to appear strong imitate the words spoken by stronger people. Though these people at first might seem to be powerful all the are doing is playing up a facade, a crude representation of reality.

As Margaret Thatcher once pointed out in one of her speeches, “Being strong is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are you’re not.” The analogy used here equates being strong with having the qualities of a lady on the basis that both of these characteristics can only be true if they don’t have to be publicly announced. This would imply that both strength and lady hood rather than being expressed should be understood by people. Margaret Thatcher being the former prime minister of the UK used this analogy not to express the qualities of individual strength, but rather as a method of easily explaining global affairs and power structures. In the era which these words were uttered many new dictatorships and other nations emerged. Most of these new nations claimed to be invincible. Many British nationals believed that these nations were posing a threat to Britain’s safety and integrity. The most powerful of these new nations was the USSR. The USSR was far from secretive about their nuclear weapons program, proudly showing them off in military parades. But alas in 1991 the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics collapsed proving once again that true power can not be mimicked.

History has proved Miss Thatcher’s words true time and time again. The USSR is not the only example of this occurrence. It is undeniable that while the weak shall perish and the strong will undoubtedly endure.

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