Power in the Modern Age


  For most people power can mean several things. Some would say that it’s the ability to lift heavy things from the ground, being mascular, some would say that it’s the ability of having anything you want. But to me power means the ability to alter other’s lives. In the modern age we live in money and fame allows you to do that. It’s basicly: Money+Fame=Power. But of course there are positive and negative ends of possessing remarkable wealth and fame.

WEALTH, FAME, POWER explained by Hans Wilhelm - YouTube


If we look from a positive perspective; money buys you every material thing in this life, sometimes even the spiritual experiences. Most of us know a wealthy and famous person who can get anything they desire all the time. It would be Kim Kardashian for some people or Warren Buffett for those who are more into finance and economics. As you can see from the numerous examples money and fame can change lives starting from their own lives. For instance  many people have plastic surgeries using the money they have. At this point we can say that the saying “There are no ugly people, there are only poor people.” is right in some ways. Money is also the best insurance in this life. You can increase your chances of living and your life standards with money.

If we would look from the negative perspective; money and fame can cost a lot to a person, sometimes even their life. There are many stories about people who had mad money and who were extremely famous but couldn’t take it and had a bad end of story. It’s a fact that money and fame can make people do things they wouldn’t normally do. We can say that money and fame can be very evil when the wrong people have them. You can start wars by possessing money, you might feel yourself more superior than the others by possessing money.

But the most important thing is that you can change lives by possessing money and fame. There are many examples such as: Haluk Levent, who gave concerts to help sick people, Angelina Jolie who used her money and fame to help children and women all over the world, and there are many more people like this. At the end  you are the one who chooses whether the money and fame you possess will have positive ends or not. Don’t forget, money and fame can alter lives if used wisely.

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