Leo got up early as always and went to wash his face. It was 6 a.m. and his dog was still sleeping. He was living in a stone house which has only one window that is located at the top of the house. The window was just for air ventilation. He didn’t need curtains because at the place where he lives people have never seen sun and didn’t know what sun is. The only light they are used to is the electric ligtings they use in their houses and on street. When the electric wents off , they use torches and get the help of the stars that aren’t actually that bright. But when electric wents off they could see all the beauties of the space including stars ,galaxies and nebulae. The past week was like that because the government had an issue with the power plant of the city. After he washed his face and had a shower he went to the kitchen to prepare himself a breakfast. He put on the watch he inherited from his late father and started thinking about what to prepare for breakfast. And he decided to make eggs. After he had his breakfast he fed his dog Teemo. He then decided it’s time to go to work. He was working at a car mechanic where his uncle Mike owns. He drove to there and greeted his uncle and his cousin Pete. Pete was 6 years younger than him but people always said that Pete was more mature than Leo. Uncle mike asked him if he had breakfast. He replied that he had but a tea would be really good. After the tea he went to the tool room to grab his tools for the old car which he has been working on since the other day. He was needed to change the headlight of the car and that was a hard job for an old car like this. Changing headligts is the most common and easiest work for them because they use them a lot but these old and stubborn machines had a really complicated system. He worked on that thw whole day and did it through the last hour of his shift. After he finished his job at the mechanic he went back to home. He ordered some food to eat because he had no energ to prepare his own food. He watched a film while eating with Teemo and fell asleep on the sofa and finished an ordinary day for him.

Place Where Night Owns
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