Personal Zone

As the environment in which we live expands, people choose an isolated life day by day and are attracted to their living spaces. Every living being in life creates a special space for himself. The size of this particular area is different for each person and the size of this area varies at different times.

First of all, what causes isolation in a person? Isolation is the experience of separation from others. Just as a person lives in a remote area, it can be caused by being physically separated from others, or it can also be caused by being emotionally removed from a community. it can be a condition that occurs as you further separate yourself from others after being excluded by people.

Another reason is that social media makes people isolate themselves and limit themselves in this big world and get stuck in their own space. Numerous studies have found that social media can lead to feelings of depression, inadequacy and isolation, as people compare their lives with carefully selected versions of others. Although everyone is practically connected to each other through social media, a person may feel excluded or have difficulty in situations outside of social media, sometimes because they consider themselves inadequate or worthless. Shame about who you are prevents you from connecting with others. People who have been alone for a long time can also be afraid for many different reasons. But these results do not mean that social media use is always harmful or that all people who use social media feel isolated. For some people, social media provides access to a sense of community and belonging. This may be especially true for marginalized individuals who may have problems connecting with people in their physical location.

So how does this state of exclusion affect a person’s health? According to surveys, social isolation significantly increases the risk of premature death of a person from all causes. This risk is one that can compete with smoking, obesity and physical inactivity. In addition, social isolation leads to an increased risk of dementia by about 50 percent. social isolation, which is another reason, can lead to emotional isolation.

Emotional isolation occurs when someone is unable or unwilling to share their feelings with others. Someone may be reluctant to discuss anything, except the most superficial issues. Without emotional support, they may feel “turned off” or numb.

But aren’t there any good things about being isolated from society? of course, there is a positive and negative side to everything, as well as a positive side to this issue. Isolation can be a good coping mechanism. Most current researchers agree that isolation is one of the more effective and important defense mechanisms against harmful cognitions. To some alternatives (denial, glorification, reflection, etc.) what makes it more plausible, according to him, is a coping mechanism that does not require misconceptions of reality. it can increase focus, allows you to be alone with your thoughts.

As a result, there are many positive aspects as well as negative aspects of spending time alone. Often the time spent in solitude provides the best moments for thinking and relaxing. However, as people, we still need to be at least a little sociable, so social needs should still be recognized.

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