Peacekeeper or Justification Tool

United Nations is an international organisation whose purpose is to maintain world peace. Today, most of the world states are members of the United Nations. United Nations has over 190 member states and is the largest international peace organisation ever. However, is this great international organisation still serves its purpose or has it become ineffective?

United Nations is the successor organisation of the League of Nations. League of Nations was the first international organisation established to maintain world peace. League of Nations was founded in 1920 during the Paris Peace conferences to set the peace terms of World War 1. During these conferences Allied Nations established the League of Nations in order to maintain world peace and prevent wars like World War 1 from happening. However, the League of Nations was not as effective as it was supposed to be. During its 26 yearlong existence League of Nations prevented about 14 conflicts from becoming a war and failed to prevent more than 200 wars, some of these wars resulted death of millions of people. One of these great wars that resulted deaths over 60 million people was the World War 2. And this war was the end of the League of Nations.

During the World War 2, two Allied Nation leaders Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt met in the United States of America to discuss the future of the Allied Nations and other states of the world. This conference is called Arcadia Conference and during this conference name United Nations was first used to call the Allied Nations. After this conference many other conferences were held between four great powers of Allied Nations which were United States, United Kingdom, Soviet Union and China. After the World War 2, four great powers and other 21 states founded the United Nations.

After the World War 2, the two great powers of the world Soviet Union and United States started an arms race that later would be called Cold War. During the Cold War United Nations tried to avoid conflicts related with Cold War in order to stay neutral between two great powers of the UN. However, the United Nations couldn’t keep its neutrality when the Korean War broke out and the UN started to support the United States side and become more close to United States. During the Cold War era United Nations failed to prevent many conflicts in Asia and Africa and because of these failures UN started to change their goals to more about social and economic and less about peace keeping.

After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, UN began to interfere in more conflicts and tried to prevent more wars from happening especially in third world countries and managed to prevent some wars in countries like Tajikistan, Cambodia and Guatemala. Even though they managed to prevent some wars from happening they still failed in many conflicts. And nowadays the UN has lost its peacekeeping purposes and became just an organisation about socio-economics and a tool for great powers to justify their interventions and invasions in other countries. In conclusion, United Nations has not only become ineffective in terms of peace keeping but also it is claimed to be a corrupt organisation for imposing policies of US and her allies over other countries.

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