Past or Future?

We all hear things that what we do disregarded. It will hurt our feelings. According to this is the past or the future is important?
Firstly, my idea for this is past is important than the future. However, people reset their minds and focuses on what you do now. For example, in football managers encounter this kind of things. Especially in Turkey it happens. If manager lost a match while in charge of Fenerbahçe he would be criticized more than footballers. In this season Fenerbahçe had 1 lost; but if you look at the football commentators, they criticize harshly. This is not logical because manager of Fenerbahçe won 19 matches to make a series. In this example we can see that for people it is not important what you have done in past. If I need to explain it by making the situation opposite, I may say that for one match manager becomes the best manager in the world and for one match manager becomes the worst manager in the world.
If I need to give another example, I can say our exam results. Some students who are the best may be the worst in exam. One exam doesn’t show you are bad. For teachers I can’t say the same thing. For example, last week all preps scolded because of math result. For one exam anyone shouldn’t scolded or I did a lot of mistakes in Turkish one exam and my teacher said harsh things that hurt my feelings. For one exam was it worth it?
The last example is about getting promoted. Imagine that you are an employee in a big company. You are working with a person that his/her CV is not well in other companies. However, this person gets promoted for making the company profit little more than the previous year. Interestingly, you work in this company with all you might. Isn’t it unfair?
In conclusion, past is more important than future. Because in my opinion you should be remembered with the things you do. Also, it is not logical that you will be remembered with the things you couldn’t do.

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