Past Or Future?

      If ı had the ability to change the past or see the future, ı would definitely prefer the ability to see the future.Because ı already know what happened in the past, ı have experienced those events, but ı don’t know what might happen in the future, and if ı already know what will happen in the future, ı can  be more careful and cautious for the future.

      If we change the past, what will we gain, what will it add to us? Nothing ıf we consider that we left the event in the past, it means that we have overcome.As ı said, knowing what we will experience .If ı had the opportunity to do such a thing, ı would definitely choose to see the future.Because for me, what happened in the past has happened and it is over, changing them will not add anything to us. But if we see the future, then we can take action now against the events that will happen.That’s why we have to forget the past and look to the future.  For example, we wanted to change an event that happened in the past.

      What will that change add to our current lifee in the future and acting accordingly makes us stronger.If we do not leave the past behind, we cannot live happily in the present and the future.In other words, when we look back, In other words, when we look back, ı prefer to make myself happy by looking to the future and trying to change what will happen, rather than being sad about what we did or experienced.Even if our past is not so good, we can perfect our future.

       Finally, because our future is our tomorrow, we must consider our future every time we take a step. And there are some sayings about the past and the future that ı like: Nothing we do can change the past, but everything we do changes the future. To live your future, you must first let go of your past (Charles Givens). Create your future from your future, not from your past.(Werner Erhard).If you fight with the past, you will be stuck with your past in the future.

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