When there is something that you are passionate about but cannot do, do you try to learn it yourself or is it your priority to get help from someone? In this period we live in, the competitive environment brought by the conditions raises versatile individuals who can do a lot at the same time. Children of this period, we are trying to catch up with a lot of courses at the same time and at the same time to adapt our school and hobbies to our lives at the same time.
Different hobbies and interests that come
into our lives over time and with age changes
vary from person to person,
and at the same time,
learning duration and permanence in our lives
also vary from person to person.
In the century we live in, our families are constantly enrolling us in courses or taking private lessons for something. but I do not support a person to lose time by being supported by private lessons or courses if he is doing his job as a passion. If a person does what he does willingly and lovingly, he can learn on his own very easily. In my opinion, a job is learned much more comfortably and more skillfully when it is not forced. For a child who likes to play the piano, taking piano lessons two days a week, while he loves that child, he does not like and does not want.
I am not saying that someone who wants to learn better should not take lessons, of course, we cannot say anything to people who receive help,
but I am one of those who think that some stereotypes should disappear. For example, most of the people who take lessons tell about their teachers as "he has given years for this job and has been educated in the best schools". Based on this,
most of the people who learned on their own and
actually do their job with more love than most people cannot have a profession because of these judgments. If a person hasn't been educated enough in good schools, hasn't traveled enough countries and discovered cultures, and doesn't sell what they see as an expensive education, today these people are seen as "novice in their jobs" than others. However, while someone is researching a teacher, I wonder if they will be able to get along with their child or does he really love his job? he doesn't ask.
As a result, I will say that sometimes there is no need to go to the most cultured,
the most city-changed teachers who have been doing
this job for the longest time and have been educated in the most expensive places, to courses with astonishing
prices, and to schools that only advertise with their students to learn the best of some things. Sometimes all we need to get through them is determination and passion.
what W. Russell once said; "The greatest things have been accomplished by people with big dreams".
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