
Everyone lives for a purpose in this life.Some pursue academic success, while others pursue their childhood dreams.They didn’t give us this choice.On the day we come of age, we have to take an exam and do whatever the result is.Neither our dreams or our wishes are important for our government.Who are we, we are left in the middle, excluded in the world.I want my dreams to come true when we can’t find a place for ourselves even in the big world.impossible things…

I’m 2 days away from coming of age.I would no longer be a child running around on the ship, but a slave who had to do the task given to her.By the way, my name is Mia and I am an outcast.I would like to live this life like every human being.I would like to enjoy even opening the window and breathing.I don’t even know what I will continue my life as after my exam result.I’m afraid if I become a worker in the ship’s warehouse for the rest of my life.Ever since I was a kid, I’ve been making plans to abandon this ship.I wish it was real one day.Anyway, I’m going to sleep without any more confusion, I hope I start living in my dreams.

It was the morning of the exam, while I was going to breakfast, I heard a noise from the manager’s room.They were determining the tasks of the students who were going to take the exam tomorrow.How? We haven’t even taken the exam yet.Was the exam always a lie?I immediately went to my friends, making sure they did not see me.After explaining everything, we immediately set up a plan.They made an announcement for us to enter the exam room and everyone went to the exam room except me.When the examiners noticed my absence, they went out to look for me.My friends immediately ran away from the room.When the officials couldn’t find us, they called the manager to the exam room.A video was waiting for them in the exam room showing that we knew everything.Finally, this slavery was over.Even if we were outcasts, we could live as we wanted.

Lies and deceptions come out sooner or later.Everyone is free to do what they want and live their dreams.

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