
In this blog I will talk about a saying. I have an opinion about “What we have ends up owning us .”I think this thought is true but Does not apply to all we have, it only applies to our wishes and the things we have a high opinion very much.Because You don’t like something that you don’t value and don’t really want. And that’s why that thing can’t have you.This is not valid for normal items anyway.This event only applies to the things we value. Actually this does not apply to just one item.This saying applies to everything:Feelings, thoughts, clothes, love, things, in short, everything in this world.

For example If someone loves you and you have that love , if you have a high opinion of that love very much .That love now has you.That love will now become your habit and you never want to lose it.You start to not be happy without that thing and that love is starting to seem less to you now .You start wanting more and then you start to feel unhappy.Your life purpose is ending because you are getting used to only that love for yourself and your happiness.And now that love owns you.Now that love has become a habit of yours, you can think of it like drinking water. You can’t live if you don’t drink water.For you, the only difference between this love and water is that while water has a physical effect, that love has the same effect spiritually.So now that love has turned into a psychological illness for you. And this incident is very scary.

The other example MONEY . For some people, money is more important than anything else.Sometimes people earn a lot of money and the more they earn, the happier they become.And that feeling of making money starts to become a habit for them.And this habit becomes a goal. The more you earn, the happier you become.And you start doing anything to make money because money has taken over you  Now money owns you and you will do anything for it.If you earn less money, you will be unhappy.

Actually, this event is valid for everything.The important thing here and what we need to do is not to let anything take over us and do not to lose ourselves


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