It was a rainy day, me and my friends were passing through the forest full of trees when we encountered a quite big rock getting in the way which i was supposed to continue my leading in. We stopped and decided to think our way out. After an eternity of brainstorming we couldn’t really come up with a practical solution so I opened the map and lead them through a different path. I didn’t have any clue on where we were going however i was quite sure that we would find a way to the main road if we stayed consistent with the path we were heading through. After a while, all i was hearing were the huffs and puffs of my friends as they were really mad at me for not knowing that a giant rock would appear in our way and magically block the path. I got really fed up with all of their complaints so i just yelled at them explaining how i couldn’t possibly know that there would be a rock and that the path was the same 2 days ago. They finally decided to shut up and listen to what I had to say instead of drowning in their own complaints. While we were continuing i finally saw a car passing by so i started running towards it without thinking anything or trying to find an actual way by looking at the map, after a 5 minute run of falling from tripping on the trees me and my friends finally found a road. We didn’t even realize but it was sunset and the view was so beautiful, and there was also a small bridge across the road. And i didn’t realize at first but there was also a man making a surprised face with his hands looking at an almost not noticeable small man whom i thought was painting him. I thought it was really weird when i first looked at it however then i didn’t really care. We continued our path and tried to find our actual way by staying consistent with the one we were continuing on again however this time it didn’t work and we found ourselves on a rather strange place but the scenery was still astonishing. And i saw that we were even closer to the man with the surprised face and the painter, they looked really stunned when they saw us so i thought that we had something strange going on with us but then i realized they were weird with the faces hey were making so we continued with our way and continued walking…

Our Path
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