Our Gift

Republic, the word that has been so important for a very long time. There are many countries that do not have republic system which brokes my heart, and its people’s hearts. Humans, animals and many other things died for that word to be said for their country. But why does somebody gives his or her life to thay word? What makes it so special? I can explain it with an example, and that is Türkiye trying to earn that word.

In history there have been so many wars between other countries and Türkiye. Many Turkish soldiers died at these wars. Turkish people strived to live in an independent countrie, and to become a republic. Being a republic mattered them so much because they wanted to be a sovereign nation. But it was a hard mission to complete.

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk always tried the best for his country, and for the people live in that country, no matter if they are Turkish or not. He made important steps for his country to become independent. First, he signed the Laussane Treaty, which gave many rights to the people and to the country. Then, he made Ankara the government center of the country. Because of its location Ankara was the best choice. Even now it is the capital of the country. One night, he made some changes with the organic law due to the changes of the country and government. Ismet Paşa also helped him during these changes. There were lots of sacrifices, hopes and the shining eyes of the childs. And the big day hit, at 29th October of 1923, Türkiye was an sovereing country.

There were major changes with the rights that come with being a republic:

1) Right To Live: This right is the most important which can guarantee that everyone has the right to live. No matter what happens.

2) Right To Health: Everyone has the right to access health care and to be treated.

3) Education Right: Every person should got educated at the same conditions.

4) The Right For Women To Vote And Got Elected: This is also one of the most important one which made men and women the same at political events and subjects.

5) Freedom Of Religion And Conscience: Everyone has the right to believe their own religion and do not have to explain why.

So, as you can see, there are many important things which made Türkiye and other countries want to have a republic system. And thanks to Atatürk, we are now celebrating our 100th year of being a sovereign country. I hope that we will never forget that important gift that was given to us from Atatürk, we all love you.



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