Online Games Being An Issue

   Our topic of this essay is “Is the Online Gaming Trend simply entertainment or a real social issue?”. Actually, it’s an entertainment but the fact other than is that it’s also a social issue if you look from a bigger picture and more objectively. Many people who play online games would oppose with me. And that’s the main problem of gaming about social issues.


   People who play video games generally wouldn’t say “Yeah, it’s a social issue.”. It’s all because they get addicted to games. I’m a person who plays video games a lot too. I know it just from myself. I got addicted to these games and even became antisocial at some points. I get stressed when I am talking to someone that I don’t know. I was shy since the day I born. But these games take me away from real life and made me even more shy. Because of that I have social anxiety right now. Except from these things. These games make you start not enjoying your other hobbies anymore. When you try to quit from games. You can’t find anything to do and just get bored. Due to that you start again after a short period of time. This pushes you to feel anxiety about the future. 

 The Psychology of Gaming Addiction

   But I don’t say it’s not an entertainment. People get a lot of fun playing video games. But it’s not only about having fun. When you are feeling sad it takes you away from reality and makes you feel different just in 30 minutes. I think it’s the best way to get better except talking with someone. And also, you can make friends from video games. It’s not so healthy generally. But you can have good friends just by playing video games. Hearing that wouldn’t feel realistic. But it’s I have 9 really good friends that I met from video games.  


   In summary It’s a real entertainment but it’s about how much control do you have at yourself and how much do you play. You should be very careful about that. Because when you become an addicted. You don’t think you’re an addicted. And you can’t rescue from that easily. 

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