Its 10 November 1923. 09.00. Atatürk comes to the council for one last time. He shouts “Dear citizen of Turkish Republic. I am so sorry to announce that this might be my last talk.” Hearing those words broke me. I couldn’t even imagine a country without its leader. The one who kept it alive for this whole time. Atatürk continued “I raised this country dominant and free. I couldn’t be prouder.” He was right the feeling of being proud. I can’t even describe it. “I am sure you will keep this country as it should be. Like it deserves. Unfortunately, I’m sick. That doesn’t mean I’m leaving now. I’ll still have my eye on this country. In bad times I’m going to show the true road with the things I taught. Turks are smart, reliable, true and most importantly free. As he continued my heart sank. I knew we would do a good job continue to raise this country. But without him. It felt empty. “I have to leave now. But Turks I believe in you. I know you will do a great job raising the Turkish Republic. With all my kind regards. Bye.” Crowd went wild with the claps. There were also a lot of people crying. I was one of them. İt was 09.05 now his last words were that he trusted in us. Don’t worry Atatürk, we will make you proud.

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