One Can Teach Themselves

Knowledge has always been an important thing for the humans and it is more important especially nowadays. Because knowledge can be a great power and if we consider the mankind’s endless curiosity and thirst for knowledge it’s pretty understandable. But how does knowledge really attract us? Is it because knowledge is power? No, I don’t think so. It’s because it’s in our nature to be curious about things around us, about things we don’t see and about things we don’t know yet. After all, god has created man this way, with a little bit of … curiosity.

However, our question is “Does someone need one to teach them new things or one can teach themselves new things?”. My response to that question would be: absolutely yes. And there are a lot of reasons this is so true.

If you think about all the knowledge humanity has collected until today, all these thing were not built in one day. Starting from the first man till now, every generation has gained new skills, new information and passed them to the new generations. It all started with a man who wondered about the things around him. First we made tools, than started hunting animals to feed ourselves, started contacting each other more and began using weapons to attack each others’ villages and ended up having all these experience and knowledge we have now. You see, no one taught us anything at all we just learned things ourselves. And I think there is no difference between 10.000 years ago and today. Still today the ones who are curious teach themselves and improve. So we can say that it’s about the curiosity one has.

Think about modern life. Kids go to school but they are not the same. Some of them are curious and dying to learn new things while some don’t care about learning new things. The curious ones would always learn even if you took all the opportunities they have. However, the ones who are not excited about learning new things wouldn’t really learn even if you gave them all the opportunities. After all, key to learning is curiosity and excitement. One can learn from someone else or learn themselves if they have the will for it.

In conclusion, I agree with the opinion: “Not everyone does need one to teach them new things. One that really wants to learn, does indeed learn without one to teach them.” All it takes is the will to do it. Even babies teach themselves, learn walking themselves. It’s all about you. You have what it takes inside you, but you must get it out.

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