
Every one believes in something whether it be god, the sun or the moon.

Every one has their own god and the one they pray to in times of hardship.

Every one believes… Right?

No, no some don’t because they know the reality behind our gods who are said to be the kindest, fairest and the most forgiving of all. They have seen things they weren’t supposed to, their eyes and ears have seen beyond the reality we are presented. Only a few each century are born with this talent: the talent to see beyond that tin curtain glued over our eyes by our gods. But very often then not this talent brings danger to every one around them. These are people that are destined to be alone, the ones cursed by the gods above for sins they haven’t yet committed. For the sins of their ancestors they fight every day to breath once more to laugh once more to embrace someone once more…

But you cant go against divine powers can you? Their destiny was written from the moment the first of these cursed ones was thrown out of the door of Algeæ ,the kingdom above skies where gods reside in, to down below carrying the burden and one phrofecy which will change the life of billions:

The seven cursed shall answer the call, to storm or flood, the world shall pay for its sins, it shall fall down buried six feet below, the cursed seven ought to keep the oath to keep with their final breath, And foes bear arms to the Doors of death.

When the time comes they shall be ready to face death and bear it with open arms, they must succeed but on what? How far do these cursed ones have to go till they succeed after all every success has a consequence, doesn’t it?..


New York January 10th 12.30 am

I stood up once more my right arm was bleeding continuously as I gripped my sword with the left blood and sweat was running down my face tears welling up in the corner of my eyes as I stared at the creatures from depths of hell sent to capture me. I didn’t have any strength left in me but I couldn’t give up now, I couldn’t die now, not only when I was barely an adult and had yet found love. My grip tightened as I stood up stumblingly, I let out a breath clenching my eyes close and writing my teeth in pain. I gathered my strength and raised my sword as I went for a one fatal strike my sword collided with the monsters tick neck and my eyes widened. “God no, please no” I mumbled to myself as I fell down on my rear as I scrawled back my sword had broke and I didn’t have anymore I closed my eyes waiting for the monster to bite my head off… But it never came I opened my eyes to see the monster on the floor unmoving. I looked up to see Viviane who looked at me with a worried look she was the daughter of Lytharis one of the cursed ones I smiled softly as I let the sweet unconsciousness surround me. While I was falling backwards I heard people rushing over to me and someone who I couldn’t recognize yell out my name. “Einar! Hang on tight, where-” … I couldn’t hear anything more as the world fell pitch black…

New York January 12th 08.45 am

I woke up and groaned from the bright white lights. Oh sh*t was I dead I sat up straighter my left hand rubbing my eyes I looked around seeing a man with long brown hair dressed in white my face paled as I asked: “Jesus?” Before feeling a smack to the back of my head. “No you idiot! It’s not Jesus that’s Kai” I groaned in pain rubbing the spot which had been smacked I turned to see a very mad éabha ,the daughter of Hughard, her shoulder length blonde locks were tied in a messy bun she didn’t have her glasses on and she was wearing a simple blue shirt with denim jeans her white doctor’s coat adding to her image of an angry nurse. each éabha you didn’t have to be so harsh.” I mumbled narrowing my eyes before looking away to not meet her annoyed gaze she was about to hit me again when Kai ,son of Kian, held her back he had a grin on his face his platinum blonde locks was combed back he had a white shirt on with light brown trousers. “I’ll show you harsh you stupid son of Neptune! Do you know how long it took to bring you back to the world of living you idiot!” exclaimed éabha I gulped in fear scooting further on the small bed at the bed an awkward smile on my face. She tried to jump on me to probably choke me but Alexander held her back I made a mental note to thank him later. “I’m sorry?” I said trying to sound guilty. “Calm down éabha give the boy a break will you.” Said Kai I could kiss him right now éabha huffed and fixed her attire before mouthing ‘I’m watching you’ to me and exiting the room. “Thank you man, you saved me.” I told Kai feeling grateful he just chuckled and rubbed my shoulder before messing with my hair he is older than me by two years with being 18. “No need to thank me champ, can’t let you visit hades so soon can I” He said with his signature smirk I just nodded my head to him. The door opened once again to reveal Viviane she looked as beautiful as always with her bronze locks falling over her shoulders, her emerald eyes shining with worry and love as she looked at me while her soft porcelain skin was flushed she had probably ran over here to med bay when she heard I had woken up.

How cute.

She hugged me tightly burying her head to my shoulder. “You idiot! You complete selfless and self-sacrificing idiot! I thought I lost you…” She said as she cried to my shoulder I wrapped my arms around her and caressed her hair gently. “You didn’t though I’m right here aren’t I?” I told her kissing top of her head. We had something of a situation ship going on, we weren’t dating but we weren’t just friends either. She didn’t reply just hugged me tightly kissing my cheek I saw Kai was grinning ear to ear as he sang “Viviane and Einar are on a tree kissing~” I felt my face heat up just like Viviane’s I was about to object when the door was opened yet once again revealing Michael ,the first son of Kian from our generation, he was the one to find and collect all of us ,the kids of greek gods who were cursed by them, and bring us together each of us lived in one big house at the top of the ‘M Corps’ his company which was just a cover for us. Here we made plans and strategies for the approaching day of judgement in order to be the winner of this war. He had a smile on his face as he approached my bed Viviane backed away from my embrace choosing to sit next to me on the bed instead. “How are you feeling Einar?” Asked Michael with his fatherly tone his blue eyes shining with care towards us half-blood, the cursed and unwanted ones. “I am alright I just have a small headache.” I told him with a smile of my own. “You were really brave to go against the dogs of Hades alone Einar thanks to you each one of them is cleared from New York” He told me he had always treated me as his son and said I had way more potential than anyone else maybe because I had two godly parents. “Thank you father” I told him he had allowed me to call him father a few years back. “Rest for this week my son after all you will have battles where you’ll need strength more than ever. I suppose Viviane won’t be able to save you each time.” He said my cheeks heated up with embarrassment as I nodded my head. “I’m sorry, I will be more careful” I told him he nodded and stepped outside dragging Kai with him as well telling me to rest. I turned to Viviane she kissed my cheek one last time before leaving me alone in my room to rest like others. I played back down closing my eyes letting sleep take me knowing I would see the same dream I saw each night since that cursed day three years ago.


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