Old Against New

Working from home has been a trending topic over the past few years with the help of the recent pandemic . Most work places are now trying to switch from a normal office to a home office. Is that such a bright idea? While most people do know about the positive sides of working from home when it comes to the down sides people don’t seem to have a clue.

When we take a look at the positive sides of a home office the first thing that we will see is the flexibility of working hours. Working from the comfort of your own home makes it easier for you to have a better schedule that both feels comfortable  and  easier to follow. In some cases you might even be more productive because you get rid of unwanted interactions with colleagues which can save you a lot of time. Home offices are better for some people financial vise as well. They can save some gas and food money which can help with their current financial situation. Home offices benefit some by making them be able to spend more time with their loved ones which can improve ones mental state. As you can tell there are a lot of positive sides of working from home however that does not mean there aren’t any down sides. As already mentioned some people can benefit by saving some time but that’s not the case for most people because most people actually get distracted when they are at their own house. Study shows that most people can’t stay focused when trying to concentrate on work when they are in their own living environment and can’t make a proper schedule. This is because no one likes to do something uncomfortable when they know they can be doing something that’s not very challenging instead. On top of that, surveys show that people get more motivated when working in a normal office rather than a home office.

At the end of the day, home offices can have a lot of advantages if you are the right type of person for it. However, if you get distracted by your environment, don’t have the strongest of will and unable to create boundaries it would be best to stick with a normal office.

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