Obstacles Lead to Success

Discomfort is the key to success. If you want to achieve something, you should embrace discomfort and all the difficulties that you encounter. I definitely agree with the thought which advocates that nothing comes out of your comfort zone because obstacles make you focus on your target and feel ambitious.

Life is full of difficulties. If you accept life with its obstacles, it means you accept humanity and don’t let anything prevent you from doing whatever you want to do. I really like the quote which belongs to Kevyn Aucoin. It is “Today I choose life. Every morning when I wake up I can choose joy, happiness, negativity, pain… To feel the freedom that comes from being able to continue to make mistakes and choices – today I choose to feel life, not to deny my humanity but embrace it.”

The key to life is accepting obstacles. If you stop doing this, it means you’re dead. It’s simply like the sentence “No pain, no gain”.  Suffering is needed in order to achieve something. You can easily understand this by searching for famous people’s success stories. For example, Stephen King’s first novel was rejected 30 times. Can you imagine rejecting Stephen King’s manuscript? It is literally crazy! The rejection, however, didn’t stop him. His career skyrocketed and now, his books have sold over 350 million copies.  Another example is Bill Gates who is now, among the world’s richest people but couldn’t make money at first. His first company failed but, his failure didn’t stop him. In contrast, it helped him to reach success.

Also, if you don’t encounter any difficulties, the thing you achieve will lose its value. This is because, after every obstacle, you learn something, try to fix the thing that goes wrong, and improve yourself. After you achieve something, when you look back and see all the difficulties that you overcame, you’ll definitely enjoy success more. Remember that difficult roads often take you to fabulous destinations.

To say briefly, no matter how hard it is, don’t step back because this means that you admit your weakness. Instead, allow difficulties to strengthen you. Remember the success stories and don’t forget that obstacles don’t exist to destroy you, but to prove your superiority when you overcome them. Now, it’s your turn to show your potential and write your own success story.





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