Nutrients and Behaviors

There are a lot of factors that is effecting our moods and behaviors. Mostly our families affect our moods and behavior. negative family relationships can cause stress, impact mental health and even cause physical symptoms. Not just family personality, beliefs, expectations, emotions, mental health, life experiences, culture, friends, life events and much more is the factors that affects behaviors and moods. Also some people think there is a close-knit correlation between the nutrients we intake and our moods and behavior. Some people disagrees. Is there a close-knit correlation between the nutrients we intake and our moods and behavior?

A recent study of nearly 1,000 men and women examined the mood impact of obtaining dietary antioxidants. Antioxidants are health- and disease-protective bioactive chemical compounds produced by plants. In the study, those who ate three or more servings of fruits and vegetables a day reported significantly greater optimism than those who ate less. Eating lots of veggies also bumps up the B vitamins in your diet, positively affecting mood states. Research tells us that plant-based diets are associated with healthier mood states. The more fruits and vegetables people eat, the happier, less depressed, and more satisfied they are with their lives. Vitamins and minerals play an important role in maintaining our chemical balance. When our bodies produce too much or too little of neurotransmitters and hormones, we can experience all kinds of unpleasant moods, like increased anxiety, sleeplessness or restlessness, and feel sluggish or foggy-brained. Also Eating regular meals helps to regulate blood sugar.

This may influence some of the hormones that control our mood and ability to concentrate. For this reason, poor mood and behaviour are often observed in children who have been without food for too long. For example having trouble concentrating, losing focus easlly, become easily fatigued, listless or irritable and are likely to face difficulties in learning.

As a consequence there is a strong interrection between the nutrients we intake and our moods and behavior. If we eat healthy our moods and behavior will affect positively. If we eat not enough nutraints we will have troubles.


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