Not a Normal Family

          My family seemed a little bit odd to my friend’s families. Since my childhood ı knowed that ı had a different family. My family caused me to get bullied at school, all my friends said that my family was weirdly scary.

Hi, my name is Paul and ı live in California. I have a little different family. My story is about my mother and father. 3 years ago ı learned a secret about my family. So let’s get back to 2021. I was so happy that ı finally turned 18 now ı am a person. Let’s get back to that morning, the morning everything started. I woke up with confetti on my face it was my girlfriend Lisa. She scared and surprised me. Last night was really bad for me ı listened to some shouting noises. But ı didn’t care that much, cause we used to live in a dangerous neighborhood. Some kind of these things happen here a lot but the shouting continued all night. never mind ı was so happy that ı saw Lisa when ı woke up. we went down the stairs and ı saw my mom cooking us some breakfast ı know my family is weird but my mom and dad are really talented at cooking. the day continued normally and in the evening all my family was in our house. Everybody was celebrating me and it was the best day for me. For dinner, my mother forced me to get a champagne for us. I went down to the basement of our house. our family secrets were hidden in the trunk in the basement of our house. When ı opened the trunk, ı learned things that completely changed my Outlook on life. There was a dead body in our basement. I heard some noises when ı looked at the stairs my family was there with my girlfriend half-alive. My family said that our family generation were vampires for centuries and they gave my a birthday present with a dead body! I was shocked, but ı got used to it.

Now ı am a vampire and ı turned my girlfriend into a vampire so we will live forever together. things really occurred very quickly but today ı am really happy to be a vampire. İt would be better if ı didn’t killed all my family.

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