Non Magic King

Once upon a time, the World was living in peace. Until the day Kaos started. before 2000 years ago there was a demon king who lived in his dimension he planned to kill all humans in the World but there was a mistake the demon prince Tradom thought if my father died ı would be the demon king and he decided to kill his father. prince Tradom and his 2 commanders planned how to kill the demon king and they found it. If they Seal the demon king Prince Tradom will be the demon king but they forgot something the demon king’s skill was to mirror the attacks. when Prince Tradom started to seal his dad he sealed himself with the 2 commanders.

After 2000 years, the World has changed, glaciers melted, and the World has drowned. the people had started to live on water and built islands with their remaining materials. The surprising change was the sea animals had an adaption and started to live on earth. The Seven Seas king had become the world’s king. One of the four big spirits the water spirit was helping the Seven Seas king, King Arthur was the strongest human in the World, but he learned the other 3 big spirits also found a human for themselves. The fire spirit was helping a woman named Isabelle, the wind spirit was helping a 15-year-old kid named Yuno and the earth spirit was helping an old woman In this World people ride sea animals use magic, and use element magics. All over the World, all humans have magic to use some of them are for helping people and some of them use it for themselves.

In a village a kid was born with no magic his name was Serten nobody cared about him they killed his mother and father after he was born he did grow up in the streets full of dirt. But he has the demon king’s blood because of his mother. He became a villain after years passed he started a war with King Arthur and the story took shape…

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