No to Technology

Hellon Dear Reader,

Welcome to my journey of not using technology- related devices for a full month! Since we live in the 21st century,  everything’s about the internet and technology.  I’m pretty sure that I’ll be fine with 0 technology for a month though. I was born in the 70’s so I didn’t have access to technology growing up . What can possibly go wrong with no technology at all for month? My boss thought of this idea and I was thrilled to give it a try. And now, here I am starting to write this report on a piece of paper after submitting my electronic devices to friend of mine.

Day 1 with no technology

I have to admit that not using my phone made me feel a bit weird. I can’t check my messages, read the news, or spend time doing absolutely nothing but scrolling through my social media accounts. Overall, I did fine. I went on with the book that I started reading ages ago and it turned out to have an amazing plot. I don’t remember why I stopped reading it but looking back, I regret it. Anyways, I really enjoyed my first day without technology. I wonder how I will feel by the end of the month…

Day 3 with no technology

Ok, I know I told people that I wasn’t addicted to my phone but I was wrong. Don’t misunderstand me , I would love to live in a universe where we didn’t have electronic devices but since we live in one which has the devices, I have to use them. I almost got fired because I couldn’t check my work  emails  and I missed a meeting , which was a huge deal for my boss but she calmed down after I explained her that I was trying out her idea. And to clear it up, my phone is not the only device I gave up,  I don’t use my air conditioner as well. I only let myself use the technological devices I have in my kitchen, like my microwave and the fridge.

Day 15 with no technology

I’m so tired and I feel terrible I am half way through with project but I am starting  to feel more and more overwhelmed every single day. Yesterday I had my friends coming over to eat dinner and I wanted to cook them something special.  I didn’t have any cookbooks and I could not look up recipes online and because of this unnecessary restriction I created for myself I could only serve them steamed vegetables with ranch. Another annoyance is that I can’t  ask Google what is the meaning of the pain in my chest and why might I be  feeling nauseous and dizzy!  I think I’ll go to see a doctor; I can’t bear with this pain anymore.

Day 1 with technology

I almost literally died because of this ridiculous experiment. It turned out that the pain in my chest, the nausea and dizziness I experienced, they were the typical signs of heart attack. I immediately had an operation at the hospital but I had to stay there for about a week and a half. I’m not sure about the reliability of the experiment though because I spent nearly half of it at the hospital, unconscious.

Afterall it was a great experience. Do I suggest you try it? No way!  Would it kill you to not have technology for a month? Of course no.(Actually yes considering that doctors used medical technological devices to treat me but it was a matter of life and death). So, the moral of the story is that you can try to limit your screen time  for short periods and you would be more OK. And trus me, it will make a noticeable difference on your life style.


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