No Internet or No Travel

If I were given these two options:  To have no internet or not to travel, I would definitely choose to not travel because I actually don’t travel. It’s not that I don’t want to , just because I never had the chance to go abroad. And I absolutely would like to do that one day, but until now I hadn’t felt any deficiency because of that. It would be a problem if I couldn’t get out of Ankara though. Because I have a lot of family members and relatives who live in other cities.

On the other hand , I think being without internet is completely different. In this century it would be really hard to live without internet, because nowadays, internet is our number one source to know what’s going out there. And since everyone uses internet you also intend to use it. It has been a necessity for all people, including kids.

So basically, internet is more important than traveling for me.


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