The year is 2423. I haven’t seen outside since.. I don’t remember. It has become illegal for humans to go outside for years. We harmed our environment pretty badly. It’s taking some time for the nature to heal itself. Anyways since that, I haven’t been outside. I don’t need to go outside. I have everything in my small room, some pills to make myself feel that I’m not hungry, my huge holographic TV. Life seems pretty cool. Well, I didn’t know it would come down crashing in just a week. Some years ago the government was talking on the news and it seemed like humans could go out with breathing masks and some protection. So our skin wouldn’t be burnt to death. I didn’t even thought of going out. My perfect life couldn’t be ruined, I was used to this life-style. Well they all had to ruin that too! After some days, turns out nobody was even willing to go outside so the government said that they would cut the internet for a whole day! I was really shocked to hear that, well didn’t think much of it. I thought it was just a ticker to make people go outside. I wasn’t falling for that! I stayed at home, holding my breath hoping the internet wouldn’t be gone. Then it happened… My worst ever nightmare. When the clocks hit 00.00, my internet was completely gone. I was freaking out. I ran to my bed hoping this was just a nightmare, when I opened my eyes instead of my bright computer screen, the bright daylight was on my face. I must’ve left the curtains open. I rushed over to close it again. But the I realised how beautiful outside looked. Even though the air was literally toxic, it was still so pretty. So I made that decision. The decision I would have never made in a thousand years. I was going to go outside. I put layers of plastic protection on my skin, wore masks and heavy clothing armour. I climbed down my window since there was no door in my room. It was still so early in the morning so this world seemed so..beautiful. After some years I never had my internet connection and I admired the nature. I love my world and will always take care of it.

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