
I woke up slowly and got out of my bed with reluctant movements. Even though I slept for over 9 hours I was still tired and unwilling to go to work. I guessed it was just another regular, boring and annoying Monday. I went to the bathroom took a quick shower to wake up and went to the kitchen as I was hungry. I made myself scrambled eggs and ate them along with the bacon and pancakes and drank my orange juice for vitamin C. Although I was tired and hated my job, I also knew that I couldn’t get into another job. Also, I was happy in general as my job which I hated was my way to make some money which was the key to happiness. So, to be happy in life I had to suffer for 5 days a week.

I would be late If I continued to sit at the breakfast table and think about my life so I dressed up quickly, brushed my teeth and got out of the house. My workplace was close to my house therefore I preferred to walk to work. After a very exhausting work day, I was on a cloud to finally come back home. After a while, things started to go downhill firstly the electricity went off, therefore, I lit the candles to see what was around me. However, all of a sudden electricity just went on, whatever happened, happened at that very moment, when I was blowing out the candles. Things around me started to move randomly and fastly to everywhere and the lights went off again I was terrified. Suddenly it just stopped and everything was in its place I couldn’t give meaning to that So I just went to bed aghastly. I couldn’t sleep till the next morning I told my boss I was sick and stayed at home that day.

I kept getting similar “paranormal” activities the same day. At some point, I was that much terrified I wasn’t even able to go to the bathroom. But something had to be done so I decided to beat my fear and go outside maybe it was just about the house, not me maybe it was a haunted house. Therefore I grabbed my wallet and put on something sporty on me and went outside with my whole bravery. Then all of a sudden something started to ring and I jumped out of my bed of fear. I took a deep breath and whispered “It was just a nightmare.”.

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