New World Under the Rainbow

It was a dull, rainy autumn day. The rain was decreasing. The rainbow was starting to appear. At that moment, the information in the book came to my mind. If we passed under the rainbow, our request would be granted. I felt the need to embark on this adventure and immediately started moving towards the rainbow.

While leaving, I dreamed of money, house, car and continued on my way. I saw a man on my way. He was beating a cat and dog on the road. I tried to stop the man, but I was unsuccessful. And I quickly got away from there. After a while, I saw a boy selling handkerchiefs. I took a handkerchief from the boy and put it in my pocket. I thought about that until I came to the rainbow. There was one thing I needed more than a car, a house, and money; A better world…

And wishing for it, I passed under the rainbow. And suddenly I was home. When I looked down the window, the man was not beating the dog and the cat, the boy was not selling napkins. People knew each other, everyone valued each other. No woman was subjected to violence, she did not inflict violence on anyone. No one was poor or rich. Nobody was killing or stealing for a good car, a good house. There were lots of other people who came with me. If I had known what was going to happen, I would have left everyone in the world behind that rainbow. There were so many terrible people disrupting this order that they would all try to disrupt this order. I understood this because they disturbed the order in that other world.

Maybe this world is a dream, maybe a dream or something else… I couldn’t let a few people destroy the order these good people set up. I’ve been down this road with these awful people. These were my friends in the other world. I realized that I shouldn’t be friends with them. When I saw that these people were unhappy here, I said I didn’t like it to turn it into an opportunity and we went to the rainbow together. We went to the other world. Women were killed, animals were abused, and children were selling handkerchiefs.


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