New Blank Page

New year has a different meanings for everyone. For some people it is just a date change, nothing so meaningful but new year has a special meaning for a lot of people. I am one of those who give a lot of meaning to the new year. Well basically new year means new hopes, it is a motivation source to start the things we should do, organizing our life ect. New year feels like an blank page, you want to write some good stuff there, you want to tear up the dirty old page and start a new one. I can’t describe it with words even just the Christmas atmosphere is enough to make new year special. You know you spend time with your loved ones, everywhere is decorated and there is a lovely atmosphere even this makes me motivated and gives me new hopes. It is the most wonderful time of the year.

I am very motivated for this year, I set my goals. Firstly I am going to start studying harder because I am not very fond of my performance right now but I’m gonna make a huge comeback so no worries. I am going to be the best in academic way that’s for sure. And I want to be more organized. That might sound so cliche but I really need to organize my life. I need to get up earlier, I need to do sports more, I really really need to be organized and I will. But my biggest goal for this year is reading much more books. Reading books is one of my biggest passions in life. It is an escape from life, it is a perspective, it is the only way to make sense of life. But I don’t read that much nowadays but I will. I make a whole reading list for 2023. I am gonna read and read and read this year.

Well this time new year is much more important for me because 2022 is not one of my best years. It was a year with a lot of stress, pressure and failure so I want to make things right in 2022. I want to make a difference. I want to be better, I want to be the best. I am going to be the best.

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