Nanoteknoloji ve Temiz Su
Nanoteknoloji ve Temiz Su

Nano techno

Nano literally means one billionth of any physical size.

Considering the nanostructures in length, they correspond to systems of about 10-100 atoms (10-9 meters).

they are coming. Different features in the physical behavior of systems of these sizes compared to normal systems

is observed. These differences, which are described as nanoscience and nanotechnology, have been going on for about 10 years.

Since then, it has been determining the civil-military science and technology strategies of the countries of the world.

At the nano-scale, the properties of materials are completely different from the macroscopic scale, and they

As you get closer, many special and useful events and new features appear. For example, transmission characteristics

(momentum, energy and mass) are no longer described continuously but intermittently. Similarly,

optical, electronic, magnetic and chemical behaviors are described as quantum, not classical. Now

by processing matter at the nanometer level and using the different properties that emerge, new technological

It has been possible to make devices and materials at the nano-scale. For example, scanning tunneling and atomic

using force microscopes to separate atoms from each other by pushing them on the surface and

possible to arrange. All these developments, the industry that reshaped the world in the 19th century.

started a scientific and technological revolution equivalent to the revolution. In this way, atoms and molecules

Transistor and electronic devices consisting of a single molecule have been realized by playing

developed by the active work of the group. All these studies and developments in electronics, chemistry, physics,

brought together materials science, space and even health sciences at a comm

on intersection.

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