Businessman jumping cliff from past to future.

My Time Machine

I am the builder of the time machine, and I will tell you the story of where I went first.

Firstly, let me tell you about my time machine. Everyone imagines a time machine as a box or vehicle, but mine is a wristwatch. I worked for years to create it. The good thing about my time machine is that when you don’t need to time travel, you can use it as a normal watch. Perfect, right?

Anyway, let’s go back to the future 😊. I set my destination to the year 2222. I don’t know why I picked it, I just wanted to try my luck. The travel took less than a blink of an eye, and I felt a little shaken, but I got used to it.

Firstly, I had a look around. I was shocked! I was expecting a polluted environment, full of buildings attached to each other, flying cars, and gloomy people. But it was just the opposite. Everywhere was full of plants, grass, trees, and parks. People were so polite.

Breaking out of my shell, I talked to a stranger walking by. He told me that in the past, people had robots to do all their work. The technology had progressed so much, too much that you wouldn’t want. The AI had gone crazy, so the governments of the world had gathered and decided to get rid of the AI, robots, and almost all technology. They decided to live in peace with nature.

You know what? Time travel makes you hungry, so hungry. I went to a restaurant called “No Tech Burgers” and ordered a hamburger. It was the best hamburger I had ever eaten in my life and during my time-travel adventures.

After I finished my burger, my phone rang. It was my mom. She was so worried and wanted me to come back home. So, I reluctantly traveled back to my time.

I’m looking forward to going back to the future…

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