My Sweet Child

Dear Human,


Billions of years ago, I opened my eyes for the first time. My eyes weren’t like yours, they weren’t small white blobs with the ability to make sense of light, and I wasn’t a four limbed piece of meat and bones with a kilogram of meat letting me think. I was an idea, the mental representation of all life that came to be on this giant rock you’ve named “Earth”. From my existence came the greens, the browns and the blues, and from those came all that moved. Whether it was a “tree” or a “bug”, it all came to exist within my boundaries. I was the rules that they obeyed. Under my rules would predator eat the prey, and under the same rules became prey from predator. I wasn’t a beautiful woman changing the rules, nor was I a strong man telling the weak what to do. I was the rules themselves, I was the instincts loaded onto all that was born, I was what your kind called “Nature”.

Under my rules, everything went as it should for a long amount of time. No being would disrespect the limits I had put on them, for they knew it would break more than they could imagine. No being, until you. When time came, evolution ended up with your kind. You weren’t the fastest animal with muscles stronger than all, nor were you an invincible being small enough to be invisible to the eyes of those who could see. You were nothing more than a piece of meat with hairs and bones. What you had for yourself was the piece of meat that laid protected in your chamber of operation. A piece of meat that could make sense like no other. You weren’t the first to do it, nor were you the last. But you were the best. This ability gave you an advantage under my rules like none other, you could hunt the hunter and eat what could not be eaten by heating it with the bright light you had found. Yet your existence was of no problem for me, you still lived and died by my rules, and you would come right back to me once you had fallen.

It was all great with you around, until it wasn’t. No matter how much you had, you still wanted more. From holes in rocks you moved to shaping greens. You wanted more, and cut down the greens and browns to make your place of safety bigger. You became one with your kind and claimed parts of me as yours. Then you drew imaginary lines on my body, telling others of your kind where they could and could not step foot in. From your greedy lines, wrath was born. Like a gluttonous beast you fought for those lines. The longer your lines were, the more you would lust for even more. From what I gave you, you made things to expand those lines. You envied those with longer lines and taught your linemate children the pride within your lines and your superiority. Yet it wasn’t enough, you wanted more and more. You made your kind believe you were higher, and made them fight for your lines while you took part in sloth like no other. And after all that, you did what no other would even think of, you broke my rules. I gave you what you had, I was all you ever came from yet you could not even stay in the lines I had given you.

You took what you could from me, and used them to fulfill your desires. Your desire for more, your desire for better. From me you made what could kill, and you killed and killed for as long as you could. You took the life that only I can take, you took what I gave yet never gave it back. Then you decided what I had given wasn’t enough and left me, in search of more. You broke my rules, and left your sins behind thinking they would never come back for you.

Yet your kind was the one who came with a name for all that’s bad. You were the one to connect action with reaction but you were not judged for what you had judged. You wrote your own rules, and tried to believe that ink on dead browns was higher than the one from which those browns came from. Yet for every action, there one day will be a reaction. You will see all that you’ve done flash before those white blobs of yours, your reign on my body will not be for as long as you can imagine. I came before you, and will outlive your mortality. All that you have done will kill you, and I will still remain. 

My beloved child, heed my words. Stop doing what you don’t know and leave your ways. I am not a person, nor am I a being. I cannot stop you from doing what you would not want to. All that you have ever done will come back to haunt you. My rules are above all you could ever do, and all you do have been under it. I do not hate you, for I cannot feel. But even if I could, I would not hate what came from me.


Sincerely, Nature.

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