- Dear Ahmet
- I wake up at 8.00. I wake up early in the morning because I was so excited that day. On 31 december big year is almost finish and we were throwing a party in home
- . I do my breakfast at 10.00am we are so happy. My family was also inviting their friends and relatives. My cousins Max and Micheal will come. I told them you can invite your friends. They can come to. After that doorbell rang. I open the door and my uncle I’m really miss him I think my mother told him. After that Michael and Max arrived and we got to work organizing the party. Micheal and Max are brother. Actually they are twiz. Micheal and Max are like friends they are never stop to talk. But sometimes they are like enemy but I love both of them. After that doorbell is bring again and I open the door I saw front of me my friends all of us is their. After that we are start the party and we are waiting 12.00 am. We are playing game in the outside. Always I wan’t to sleep but that day I don’t know why but I’m didn’t want to sleep. At 11.00pm we are so excited we are open the tv and watch O ses türkiye Because their will do countdown Their think new year but I think cake because I like cake. Hours is almost 12.00am and countdown is start and I’m almost say happy new year
. It was only seconds before the new year. And, just then . the cake fell to the ground. I heard nothing but a few screams. I wasn’t too mad when the cake fell until I realized Michael and Max were involved. I really so excited to eat pasta until the cake falls. I said when the cake fell oh god I’m coming you. after that
- I don’t member when I sleep I think I sleep in couch. That’s my story I waiting your story .Happy new year
- See you soon
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