My New Year

Today I want to talk about my new year expectations and new year wishes. First, let me talk about my expectations for the new year.  My hopes for the new year are to have a healthy and happy life, making good friendships, get good grades in exams. In fact, my New Year’s wishes are no different from these. But I also have special requests. The first of these is basketball shoes or a Air Jordan.

I want to talk to you about how to start the new year. I guess I’ll be at home for the new year. However, I’m not so sure about that. Because my father may come from İzmir. If he comes, we will celebrate with my grandmothers in Polatlı. However, if we go to Polatlı, I would prefer to stay here because we will enter the new year as if we are entering a new day. If we stay here we will celebrate us at home with my mom’s friends. Since my mother’s friends children are my friends, I think wee can have a very fun day. We can even play basketball if the weather is nice. If it’s sonwy, we can go outside and make a snowman. If nothing happens, we can play board games, watch movies, play PlayStation. But there is also the possibility that we will go somewhere. Even if the odds are very low, we can go out and celebrate at a hotel or one at the Mall. The reason I’m telling you this is because we stil haven’t decided where we will be. If I am with my father, the things I will request from him are different; from the things I will request from my mother if I am with my mother. It may be a little short if I say what I want to change in my life, but I still want to talk about it. I wish a less sick and happier new year. The reason why I use the word less sickly instead of word healthy is because I have been sick a lot this year and my ilness has lasted too long. Even a simple flu can last 2 weeks.

These were my wishes fort he new year, maybe you may find them simple, but since I want an ordinary life, these are my wishes.

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