My Magical Dream

Hello Mert,

I had the most amazing dream yesterday and I need to tell this dream to you immediatly. Also, I hope you are doing okay and I hope to see you next week. Anyway, let’s get back to the dream. It started like it was just an ordinary dream but it wasn’t. I was at my home and we were just talking with my family in the living room. Then, when I went to my room, there was the genie from the movie “Aladdin” and I was shocked. After that, Aladdin said: “Ask whatever you want from me.” It was so real that I couldn’t believe my eyes. So, the genie was waiting and I had to say something and then I said: “Wait a second, how many wishes do I have?”. And then Aladdin said: “Just 1, so use it nicely and careful.” I had to think so hard. It was an one time opportunity for me and I couldn’t use it for something stupid. Also there were some cliches like I want to have a healthy life or I want to live for a very long time but I didn’t want to use this kind of cliches. I had to think something smart.

Then, it popped into my head, a never ending pizza! When you finish it, it would make itself appear again and again. It was brilliant and my favourite food was pizza so I told that I wanted a never ending pizza. The genie Aladdin looked at me and said: “What a brilliant idea, you seem like a pizza guy aren’t you?” and he chuckled because of his joke. And then he said: “Like I said, I gave you 1 wish and you wanted a never ending pizza. As a part of my job, I have to make this come true.”. After a minute, a never ending pizza has appeared in my hands and I thanked Aladdin like a million times and then I started eating my pizza and I was so happy. After finishing the pizza for the first time, I woke up but still it was maybe the most magical dream I have ever had.

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