My Life in Eutoropha

I lived, am living and probably am gonna live for the rest of my life in this small town called Eutoropha. Yes yes, I know a lot of you  probably gonna wonder: “Why do you think or wanna live in this small town?”. I know it might be a weird way to think but I think living your life where you grow up is the best option. Live your life where you learned how jobs work there, what opportunities you might get  because another city another town is all different. Yes, it might be and probably is better in education, in professions but life style means a lot. Also I love this old town. I might get a scholarship outside this town which is best in a lot of yours opinion. You say: ” Get a little outside of your comfort zone” or ” You’ll have a better education” and maybe even “The technology, the economy, the education, opportunities you might make its all better out there”. But I don’t actually mind technology or opportunities and even lack of education here. It might be because I have never seen outside this world but like I said I don’t mind it.

Technology is one thing I  don’t care and it might 20th century thing to say but I don’t wanna be a slave of technology. How do you achieve news you might ask. It is actually pretty easy : Newspapers, friends and phones. Yes, we have phones I was just trying to say that it is not a part of my daily life. I can survive without it .  I learnt how to. Actually that is the reason why I don’t mind the lack of education.  I learnt how to  teach myself. I’m probably faster than a lot of you in math and science. Those thing has never been there. What I am tryin to say is:” Something that has never been there isn’t needed after some time.”.

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