Last week, I started to read a new book which is so interesting and fun. Before starting, I remembered that I looked at how many pages the book had, and I guessed it was 120 pages. But when I reached page 120, I thought I was in the middle, and there was a phone number…

I got really confused about whether to call that number or not. I didn’t want to because it was too risky to call a number that I didn’t know. But I wanted to because I wanted to find the rest of the book. I wasn’t sure. Then my mum called me to come and eat dinner. I went to the kitchen and the whole family was waiting for me. We had a lot of fun at dinner and after that. When I got back to my room, I completely forgot about the phone number and then I went to sleep.

When I woke up the next day, I decided to call the number with my friends, and I did it… Do you know who it was?! It was my worst enemy in the school. He just took my book during break time, cut the pages, and put his number! He thinks he’s so clever, but I reported him to the headteacher. He’s in her office now. She gave me my enemy’s book too. I read the whole book. It’s really good.

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