My farm life


İt was a usual shinny morning in the farm.İ waked up at 8 oclock.Made my bed,ate breakfast,brushed my theet and putted some chlotes on then run for my school.My school starts at 8.30 but i just love sleeping so much that ı get ready in just 15 minutes .ı lıve so close to school that ı an run ın lıke 5 mınutes.After runnıng 5mınutes straıght ı was ın the gbackyard of my scholl.The lesson ıs goıng to start ın 5 mınutes so ı needed to hurry.I was ın class at tıme .

After having lessons all day long finally the school was over.Ilove doıng some farm stuff after school .Spending time with my animals makes me happy and relaxed.I walked home from school with my friend.When ı came to home my mom was waiting for me.She said ‘How was your day honey?’Then ı started tellıng her what we dıd at school.After the dinner ı changed my clothes and rest for a whıle.Fınally my dad was home from work.He also had dınner and rested .After all of us are full of energy we went to our backyard.Cows,dogs,ships and lots of other animals are here.First we gave the dogs there food and water.After that my favorite part was coming shearing the sheep’s wool .My dad took the scissors and started to cut them and showed me how to do it.After my dad was done with the first ship I was ready to do the other ones.ıt took for an hour to finish them.But ıt was worth itg.The wools feel so fluffy and soft so i put them inside my pillow .That i can feel like ı am on the clouds when i am sleeping.

I just loove my farm and lıfe somuch .ı dont need to lıve ın a big city to lovemy lıfe.Thıs lıttle farm is enough for me and my family .There is one supermarket,one shopping mall…And it feels like this whole farm is my family.My friend s,our neighbours,my teachears and the whole farm is just what ı got.Thıs ıs me and my little happy life.THANKS FOR READİNG

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