My Farm

Living in a farm is one of my childhood dream being in nature animals around eating the fruit you plant thats all so cool. But also there is some bad things about being in the farm internet for example or commuting I guess if I w had a farm I would bring some solutions to problems.

My house would be really big and a lot of cats and dogs everywhere is green a big garden and also place for my pets. I think cows would be difficult to look after I mean they are really big animals and they need so much efford and time. More than animals I would take more care to my plants watering them, eating them, maybe giving to your neighbors and your friend you can even sell it you would do good money unless you don’t have bad product.

Like ı said ı would make a dog house right neer my house. Beds for my dogs place ı can feed them and maybe place for me to pet them . For my cats ı would take them to my house because they are not as big as dogs.

Another animal ı would want is horses they are the coolest animals and they are useful ı mean you can ride them yes they are also hard to take care of but its worth they are so cute and useful imagine you are traviling with your horse you are going to the market with it that would be great and even more great if everyone use them no gases or gasoline price.

In my farm I wouldn’t live with my family because farm house should be my safe space the place ı can be alone and peaceful with my animals but really ı would really want to live in a farm.

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