My Eternal & Immortal One and Only Leader

The republic is the gift offered to us on October 29, 1923, which was the very first step in that great and dreadful conflict that transformed the fate of our nation and began just a century ago. It is a gift from Atatürk, who lived in Türkiye for more than 100 years after the Republic was established. On October 29, we will celebrate this anniversary for the 100th time. It would be an honor to remember this wonderful gift to us.

There have been several conflicts between foreign countries and Turkish over history. With Greece, Bulgaria and etc. Many Turkish civilians and soldiers were killed in these wars. Some Turkish people desire to live in an independent country and to establish a republic.

Being a republic was extremely important to them because they desired to be an independent nation. However, it was a difficult task to fulfill. Because of the ones who want to reign and hide bounds. To fulfill this our ancestor Mustafa Kemal Atatürk devoted his life. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk always did his best for his nation and the people that lived there, regardless of race. He made critical efforts toward his country’s independence. 

The Turkish Independence War began on May 15, 1919, when the first gunshot was fired against the enemy during the Greek occupation of Izmir. The signing of the Sevres Agreement by the World War I Victors began the occupation of their Ottoman Empire portions.


Resistance against occupation soldiers began with militia units, specifically Kuva-i Milliye. By merging the militia troops into the regular army, the Turkish Grand National Assembly effectively led the Independence War to victory. Which is one of the most important wars in Turkish History.

On 10 November 1938 at 9.05 in the morning, in Istanbul, Dolmabahçe Palace, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk died of the liver ailment he was suffering from. Rest in peace to this amazing leader and founder of The Republic of Türkiye. 

Happy 100th 29th of October!

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