My dream house and my dream life would be like a Barbie land. In the future, I want to be a vet who is rich and beautiful. Actually, I love animals more than people. So, I want this job, and the near my vet clinic there will be a cat and dog hotel which is so good. And in my dream house would be pink the doors will be made from gold and silk! And my bedroom is going to have 3 rooms in the inside first one is for clothes second one is for my dogs and cats and lastly the third one will be makeup room because I LOVE makeup. My house is going to have garden which has full of Pink and red roses and there will be guardians that can protect me but actually I don’t need a Ken. My vet clinic will be near my dream house because in the future I don’t want my job far away from mu house . My salon is going to have big chairs and sofas and they are also would be pink or white or light pink . Lastly my bed is would be huge that can 10 person sleep on it. It will be great. I hope it will be going to real.

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