My Dream

I woke up at 7:00 am on Sunday. I went to the kitchen to have breakfast. But I coulden’t saw any fam member in the home. So that day was boring. I opened the tv for watch series. But you know if there’s no fam no enjoy too  


After a while, my friends called me to go out together. I wrote a note and left it on the table. Went to the cinema. After to cinema I opened my phone and I saw my mother called me. I called him back but she didn’t answer to phone. I was worried at that moment 


I went to home but my fam is not in the home. There’s no sound . I’m very scared at that moment so I go to the cup but they said “you should wait twenty four hours. go home and get rest” I went to home back. I heard some voice. When I looked in through the window The whole family was sitting around the table, eating and talking, all of a sudden they’re gone and I couldn’t saw anything. I thought I was crazy at that moment.  I am cried and I’m think my siblings and my parents on that night. 


At that moment I saw that the note on the table was opened. I thought it was robbed but my wallet and tech were in place so I go outside and I saw someone is behind the tree. I runned but he is faster then me he got in the car and left this place. I take the licance plate. And I go cup I tell them everything. They start the search that car. And they find it. They found out that car was involved in many cases like kidnapping. They started looking for my family. And they found 


They found out that they are in the factory. There was a problem during the operation and a soldier was martyred. Just as the bullet was coming to me, I woke up and I realized that everything was a dream. I went to my parents’ room and hugged them. I told them my dream and we all went to have breakfast together 

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