My Difficult Day

I was in a time machine. It was dark and cold. There was a nice woman in front of me. She wore a red jacket and a blue dress. She was talking on the phone, saying, “Why are you so rude?” I got scared while she was talking with the man, who is an artist. I touched the nice woman, but she turned and ignored me. I touched her again, but she didn’t seem to care about me. My opinion of the nice woman started to change. She was transforming into a bad woman. I started to cry.

Suddenly, the time machine started to shake. I shouted while clinging to something. The woman didn’t move. She was talking on the phone for two hours, repeating the same sentence, “Why are you so rude?” I was shocked. While I was sitting and waiting, the time machine suddenly stopped with a greater shaking. I tried to catch my breath, but I couldn’t. The time machine’s doors opened and closed rapidly. There was a melody playing as it opened and closed. I liked it and started to dance. I couldn’t stop myself. Something pulled me out of the time machine. There was a small house where bad people lived in the past. There were pirates, hunters, and more. Something pulled me into the little house again. I looked around and observed the people. There were villains from fairy tales, movies, and more. They were planning for the future (the present time). I listened to the bad people. Then, a fairy approached me and granted me one wish. I wished for changing the future. The fairy waved her wings at me, and I gained the power to change the future. Suddenly, I felt dizzy as I headed towards a shiny room called the ‘wishing room’. I fell down, but I was okay. In the wishing room, you use your special power to perform the magic you desire. I began saying the magic words to apply the magic: “migo ladinyo.” The room started to shine, and it transformed into the time machine. The woman wasn’t there, but suddenly she appeared with magic. I understood that the woman was an invisible woman. She could be visible or invisible whenever she wanted. She gave me a big hug and said, “I was the fairy.” I was shocked. Then the door opened, and it was my room! I was happy and missed my mom and dad. When I opened the fairy tale books, the endings had changed. The fairy tales now had happy endings. I was thrilled and turned on the TV for the news. All the bad news had disappeared. The news was very enjoyable. Then my grandfather came for coffee. He started to read the news out loud. The newspaper contained happy news. I hoped it would continue like this all the time.

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