If I could create a city, this city would be the capital city of the country.
My city’s name would be something represents the city. It has social facility which means everyone can spend time in these facilities such as, volleyball, tennis and also basketball court, it has the biggest hospital in the country therefore, most of the people in all over the country , if they get sick they firstly go there because this hospital possibilities is much more than other hospitals.
For security, it has a strong army to secure the city from the bad incidents. This country is the greatest place to be in, so most of the countries president have their eyes on the country. As I mentioned before ıt is a great place because the features of the country is luckily fine. From the weather conditions to the oceanfront every good thing contains this country.
This city has a good economy which means the money is valuable. Contractor of the city sell gasoline. In my city’s county has a one place that is rich by gasoline and this place is my city. Contractors sell gasoline to the strong country’s such as America…
Education is the most important thing for country because if education is lack of care, that country will be disappear in two years. In my country there is a curriculum that contains both exams and activities. For understanding the lesson by doing experiment and applying to the real life is improving with activities. For exams, teachers will understand which topic is less understood by the students.
In a nutshell, my city will be good at security, education and also for facilities.