My Childhood Time Zone

Time is a physical state where people feel the flow of events and observe the changes recorded in our environment and the universe.

If someone were to ask me whether I would like to stop time or travel to a specific time period, I would undoubtedly choose to travel back to the innocent and joyful time of my childhood. I have accumulated so many memories since the moment I was born that it is impossible to remember them all, but the most valuable ones were from my childhood. Since I cannot relive those days, I would prefer to go back and experience those precious memories once more. Childhood, for me, is not only a part of the past but also a treasure chest of life’s most valuable moments.

When I was a child, time didn’t matter to me. I would go to school early in the morning, and as soon as I got back, I would go out with my friends and play games until midnight. When the day ended, I would fall asleep with the excitement of a new day awaiting me. During my childhood, time felt endless, and there was no need to rush. I lived each moment slowly, savoring every bit of it. Everything was so meaningful, and now I understand the value of those days even more.

Instead of stopping time, I would choose to travel back to my childhood because those were the moments that made life truly precious for me.


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