New Year’s morning everyone woke up happy. For the first time in my life, I was going to celebrate New Year’s Eve with my friends. I was very happy. Family members of my friends would also come together at the same hotel as us and celebrate in the garden. I got up in the morning and dressed, I immediately went to the kitchen for breakfast and ate and went straight to the living room. The hall was full of gifts, we bought them for my friends. We were going to go to the hotel at twelve o’clock in the afternoon and we would wait. I immediately went to my room and prepared my bag for what I would take with me and took extra clothes with me just in case. Then I plugged my phone in the charger, i combed my hair at the bathroom and i wore my most beautiful clothes for the party after some hours we got in our car and drive to the hotel there were my friends Eve, Christian, Jack. Stella and Dave. I went near them and immediately gave their presents and they gave mine to me too. In an hour everyone came we started playing at the garden hide and seek then they called us inside for lunch we ate burgers after some hours it was night we opened a film and watched it outside. When it finished we realized that we were seconds away from entering the new year. At the moment the electric was all gone the lights turned off it was so dark then somebody opened a flashlight and when we looked at the clock they screamed “HAPPY NEW YEAR” everybody started cheering. Then some fire works fired and we watched them it was so much fun then they told us that we are going to stay at the hotel for the night. Then everybody went to their room to sleep…

My Best New Year
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