Hi, I’m Kaan Özmen. Today, I’m going to talk about my camping trip with my friends (although it’s not real). My friends were Miraç, Rüzgar, and Emir. First, I collected wood to make a fireplace. Rüzgar also collected wood to burn and keep the fire going. Miraç slept like he does in class. Emir set up the tents. As the sky darkened, we quickly made the fireplace. Miraç woke up at 11 a.m. Then we roasted marshmallows. Honestly, eating marshmallows was the best part of the camp. Miraç said, “I’m gonna sleep again.” Emir said, “Bro, you already slept for 8 hours.” Rüzgar added, “Yeah, you sleepy guy.” I laughed. At 12 a.m., I remembered we had a football match. So, we organized the teams to play against the 6th graders. After the match, we all slept until a black bear entered Rüzgar’s tent. Miraç, Emir, and I broke the tent and hit the bear with the broken parts. But luckily, it was just Ms. Gizem.
My Awesome Camping Trip
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