Murder Of Creative Minds

Ignorance. Such a powerful word isn’t it? A single term which can identify whether or not a person is even worth our time. It is no doubt that societies suffer greatly because of ignorant people who appear to know enough to believe they know everything, but know so little to not realize they know nothing at all. These people unfortunately seem to posses such arrogance that they refused to learn a bit of new information.

Ignorance is a dangerous thing as it is the main factor in the most absurd traditions. From believing doing rituals fwill bring rain to certain lands to arguing on how the only purpose of woman in the society is to be a loyal wife and mother of as may childeren as her husband desires. What makes it more tragic is that kids are being forced to do academic degrees and get certificates that they might never use just for the sake of image. One of the best examples of how prejudice and ignorance among parents and teachers cause mental issues such as but never limited to insomnia, depression and severe anxiety is the movie called “Dead Poets Society”. Both the book and the movie are masterpieces and a must watch for every age group.

One particular scene though explains all in the most simple yet effective way possible and the dialog in the scene goes as:

-Do you read books Mister Anderson?

-No I dont nor do I feel it’s absence.

-But we do…

These three lines are the perfect summary of what differences reading a book could do in our lives. The main character of the movie commits suicide in the end just because his parents didnt allow him to do what he desired the most: Acting in a theater. I desperately wish the only example was in the movie but every day many teens are being forced to go to prison like facilities we dare to call schools from 8 am to 3 pm sitting in one desk while some people try to force them to learn subject they have no idea about. It is no wonder many kids hate going to school. All of the stress put on them and the curiculumn forcing each one of us to memorize formulas till our brains are filled with knowladge. Did you know about only 25% of the information we learn will be used in our future lives? The system is build to make us stop thinking because it is harder to control a society that has their own thought on each topic presented to them. The leaders are working day and night to make our brains go mushy so they can divide and rule over us easier. Do you know who can see through the modern matrix of humanity?

The ones that read books and enlarge their minds. Because only then will they be able to see what they are being forced to do is wrong. We can not talk about growth in society when everyone is so focused on killing creative minds. Sure theoretical knowledge and formulas are useful but that’s not all there is to life. I believe the message we should’ve gotten from the three lines of “The Dead Poets Society” was that no matter who it is everyone should read at least a piece because without literature there wont be thinking minds.

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