Morality and Education on “Construction”

Education and morality are very important factors to look for in a contractor. But, a contractor being educated well is even more important than being moral. Even if a contractor is moral but, not educated, buildings may be dangerous.

If a constructor is moral, they would do honest jobs. But, since we have science, morality is not enough for constructing buildings. In Turkey, we have around 3200 contractors. Most of them are not educated so, most of the buildings that we have countrywide are brutally dangerous and may be demolished even without an earthquake.

If a constructor is not moral, the consequences would be even worse. If they’re not moral, they may steal from material to construct buildings cheaper. Most of the cheap buildings can’t stand to earthquakes, they were meant to be constructed strong but, as they are made of cheap materials, they got demolished easily.

If a constructor is not well educated, there may be some consequences too. As some of them are not educated well, they may use wrong materials for constructing. The consequences of using wrong materials and techniques can be brutal.

In conclusion, morality and education are very important aspects. Lack of any of them may lead to brutal consequences. But, as logic is more important, education is the key factor on constructing safe buildings. We saw the consequences of lacking morality and education in the recent earthquake that has occurred in the east of Turkey. For no further bad consequences we should take a lesson from previous incidents.

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