Morality and Education for Safer Buildings

In recent years, natural disasters have become incresingly frequent and one of the most destructive one is the earthquake. The damage that earthquake cause can be overwhelming and catasthropic, and the lose of lives and property can be sad. Because of that it is important to do more safer structures against earthquakes. I’m asking you a question do we need education or morality for more safer structures?

Education is a good style to preventing disasters. You can use your education the raise some awareness among people and help to realize the problem if I need to give a example I would say the construction rules, materials that can prevent the collapsing. The thing that I said to my listeners will say my words to somebody else and it will go like this this will spread awareness to the peoples. And we can teach people what to do while in earthquake, like staying in turtle position or not to use elevators in earthquake or using a a stable place like a refrigerator etc. to survive .With proper education everyone can learn what to do and make people prepared to natural disasters.Modern Techniques for Earthquake Resistant Buildings: A Review | SpringerLink


However, education is not enough with to make sure we built safe structure. Ethical behaviour like morality is also important for the ensuring safer structures against earth quakes. Responsibilities of builders, architects, engineers etc. to build a structure that can withstand earthquakes. These persons that I mentioned should make the safety of people over the profit they make from the building. The building  SHOULD make the property inspected by professionals.Earthquake Safety Advances and Innovations — Optimum Seismic



Even the most educated person can cause some problem if the building is not constructed properly enough for earthquake. Because of that we should not rely on education ONLY morality is also needed.


In conclusion morality and education are both important for ensuring safe structures   against not only earthquakes but also for the other natural disasters. While education can be used to raise awareness to people to know what to do in emergencies like earthquakes. But in the other hand morality can ensure that the buildings that concustructed can survive against earthquakes. Both morality and education is needed to reduce the damage caused by earthquakes.

Unfortunately, while most contractors in my country sell heaven to people, those who believed to this heaven are now in heaven.


LASMETA 🦌 on Twitter: "May mercy be shown by the Almighty to all the Turkish citizens who have lost their lives in the 7.4 magnitude earthquake that occurred in Kahramanmaras and the

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