I was turning home from school by walking. It was a good day to walk. I invited my friend Alex to come with me. We bought a chocolate bar from the market then started to walk with him. When we got tired, we sat down on a bench and started to talk. When I looked into my pocket for my phone, I found a note saying: “Call me immediately!” There was also a number at the wrinkled paper. But the last number was erased. My phone was dead. I talked with Alex a bit more then went home. I immediately put my phone on charge and opened it. I checked the number on my phone to see if I knew this person before. I couldn’t find the number. I tried every possible number to fit there because there weren’t a lot of chance for me to call another person. As ı guessed there was no other number than the one finishing with 6. We I called the number I called a girl named Jessie from our class. I realized I did not add him, but that wasn’t important so I asked her why she did write this note to me. Then I realized I took the note she wrote for Anna accidentally. They had a project homework and that was why. So be careful what you are taking with you because this thing freaked me out.

Missing Number
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