Hello, my name is Sally but everyone calls me Miss Honest. Because I always tell the truth whether I want to or not. Today I will tell you about the strange incident I experienced due to this feature. The first incident was that I broke things off between two close friends. One day, two close friends in class, Kate and May, were sulking and angry. There was a water bowl with whales on it, which May loved very much. That day, when Kate got angry with May, she broke that water bottle. May was in the canteen at that time and was very upset when she saw that her water bottle was broken. She wanted to know who the person who did this was. She came to me immediately because she guessed that the person who did this would not confess the crime. I knew who did it, no matter how hard I tried to hold it back, I finally said that Kate broke the water bottle. Since that day, I have never seen them as close as before. Even though there are many incidents like this, I will continue to be honest, but I still have to learn to control this.

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